Seminar Details

Joint Regional Seminar 2024

Anggota : Rp. 1.500.000

Non Anggota : Rp. 2.000.000

Tanggal : 28 Mei dan 5 Juni 2024
Lokasi : Webinar PAI
Periode Pendaftaran : 14-May-2024 s/d 26-May-2024
Kuota Tersisa : 0

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The Joint Regional Seminar (JRS) is an annual Life and Health Insurance event co-organised by the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries and Actuaries Institute Australia with the support of the local actuarial society including Persatuan Aktuaris Indonesia (PAI). The JRS will give practitioners the opportunity to gather, gain insights, and discuss topics relevant to APAC with leading experts, actuaries, and senior executives. Some of the relevant topic areas are health & life insurance, product development, AI opportunities, and day 2 of IFRS 17. The JRS is expected to contribute to supporting, accelerating, and strengthening the development of actuaries’ knowledges in Indonesia.