Seminar Details

Webinar Why is it so difficult talking to people?

Anggota : Rp. 500.000

Non Anggota : Rp. 575.000

Tanggal : 15 September 2021
Periode Pendaftaran : 24-Aug-2021 s/d 13-Sep-2021
Kuota Tersisa : 0

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Have you ever find difficulties explaining to agents, accountants, directors, non-actuaries, or even regulators? Do you find it frustrating and challenging when you try to explain:
- Movement in reserve to accountant?
- Premiums for new product to agents?
- NBV, EV to CFO?
- Actuarial assumptions to regulators?
- Cashflow projection of a product?
Why do people find it hard to digest explanation from actuaries? Actuaries are expert in using actuarial techniques and mathematical modelling. But they sometimes are not convincing when trying to explain or answering questions from others. In this session you will learn:
- Speaking technique
- Knowing your audience
- Mastering your subject of discussion
- Focus to the purpose of conversation/discussion
- Leading the conversation/discussion