DST - Makalah
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Waktu Judul dan Pembicara
Sesi 1
Risk Based Capital and Dynamic Solvency Testing – General Description
09.00 – 10.30
- RBC Philosophy, Regulation, and Components
- Asset Liability management (ALM)
- DST and Appointed Actuary Report Regulation
Masdar, Deputy Director of Insurance, DJLK, MOF - Financial and Solvency Projection and Business Planning
- Role of Accountant in Financial Projection
Meylindawati, Accounting & Risk Management General Manager, Allianz Life Indonesia - Important Factors and Components
Rianto A. Djojosugito, President, The Society of Actuaries of Indonesia
10.45 – 12.15
Sesi 2
Dynamic Solvency Testing – Some Technical Factors
In Force Projection – Seriatim and Group Projections
New Business Projection – Model Point and Business Mix
Expense Overrun and Other Financial Gaps
Role of Accountant in Financial Projection
Paul Nguyen, Chief Actuary, AIG Life; Iwan Pasila, Actuarial Division Head, AIG Life; and Rianto A. Djojosugito, President, The Society of Actuaries of Indonesia
Sesi 3
Appraisal Value and Embedded Value
Peter Erlandsen, CFO, Manulife Indonesia, and Rio Winardi, Chief Actuary, Astra CMG Life
Accountant Perspective on Appraisal Value Derivation
Simon Imanto, General Manager Accounting, Panin Life