Silabus F33


Tujuan mata ujian ini adalah menguji kemampuan peserta memahami prinsip-prinsip aktuaria asuransi umum, perhitungan premi, cadangan, perencanaan dan monitoring.
1.      Property/Casualty Coverage
2.      Risk Premium and Experience Rating
3.      Retemaking and Loss Reserving 
4.      Individual Risk Rating and Limits Factors
5.      Reinsurance
Tipe :  3 jam soal pilihan ganda
Buku Referensi
1.   Introduction to Ratemaking and Loss Reserving for Property and Casualty Insurance (Second Edition), 2001, ACTEX Publications by Brown, R. L. and Gottleib, L.R.
a.   Chapter 1, (sebagai latar belakang)
b.   Chapter 2, Coverage
c.    Chapter 3, Ratemaking
d.   Chapter 4, Loss Reserving
e.   Chapter 5, Intermediate Topic
2.   Introduction statistics with applications in general insurance (second edition),  Cambridge 1999, I.B.Hossack, J.H.Pollard,B.Zehnwirth.
a.   Chapter 1 – 4  (sebagai latar belakang),
b.   Chapter 5, Statistical Distribution useful in general insurance work
c.    Chapter 6, Inferences form general data
d.   Chapter 7, The Risk Premium
e.   Chapter 8, Experience Rating
3.    Foundations of Casualty Actuarial Science (Fourth Edition), 2001.
4.    Government Regulations